Bob and Sandy Collier were dedicated educators throughout their careers. Both Bob and Sandy were born and raised in California and met while teaching elementary school in Riverside, California. Bob received his MA and PhD in education, focusing his dissertation on young children’s play.

Bob, Sandy and their two young sons moved to Macomb in 1979 where Bob began his career at Western Illinois University as a professor in Early Childhood Education in what is now the Department of Curriculum and Instmction. He later served as Interim and Assistant Chair of the Department. He was a beloved mentor to many of his students and colleagues and was honored as the Outstanding Teacher in the College of Education in 1990-91. He retired in 2000.

Sandy received her MS in Early Childhood Education from WIU and thoroughly enjoyed teaching first grade for the Colchester/West Prairie School District for 19 years. She worked with many student teachers during that time and received the Troyer Outstanding Mentor Teacher Award in 2004.
In retirement, both Bob and Sandy have actively volunteered in organizations supporting the growth and development of young children. Upon Bob’s death in 2017, the Colliers’ family and friends established tl,js scholarship to honor Bob and Sandy and to provide assistance to students who share their deep commitment to early childhood education.

• Early Childhood Education major option
• Anticipated 60+ credit hours earned (must be earned by time of disbursement)
• Minimum 3.0 GPA
• Financial need may be considered

Questions regarding eligibility? Contact:
College of Education and Human Services, School of Education