Harry and Anna Paulsen Scholarship

Education is the key word for establishing the Harry and Anna Paulsen Scholarship. Anna always wanted to be a teacher, but living through the Great Depression in Chicago prohibited her dream. However, both Harry and Anna believe in education and three out of four of their children followed the teaching profession and received degrees from WIU. Ruth (Paulsen) Drew ’79 earned a BA in studio art, Paul Paulsen ’75 received a BS in math education, and Diane (Paulsen) Taylor received a BA in English in 1989 and an MA in English in 1991. In addition, Gordy Taylor, son-in-law and Associate VP for Alumni Programs Emeritus, earned a BB in 1968. The education process at WIU continued with two of their nine grandchildren earning degrees: Jennifer (Taylor) Stevenson ’95 and Neil Paulsen ’02. All four of their children graduated from Zion-Benton Township High School (ZBTHS). The Zion-Benton connection continues: Paul retired as the math department char/teacher with 25 out of 33 years at ZBTHS, Martha Paulsen in a counselor/advisor, and their three sons graduated high school from Zion. Because of the close ties to ZBTHS, the first preference for the scholarship should be given to a Zion-Benton graduate. They Harry and Anna Paulsen Scholarship was originated and financially supported by Harry and Anna, Ruth and Steve Drew, Paul and Marsha Paulsen, and Diane and Gordy Taylor.

• Be an entering freshman with a declared major in teacher education, art, law enforcement & justice administration or business
• Show evidence of extracurricular activities and community service
• First preference will be given to a graduate of ZBTHS; second preference will be given to a graduate of any high school in Lake County, Illinois.
