This scholarship fund has been established by Tom A. Wood of Macomb, IL. in honor of Harry (Bud) J. Bennett. Bud was a farmer in the region and Tom thought it fitting to honor Bud with a memorial scholarship in his name.

 Undergraduate student
 Majoring in any area of Agriculture
 Grade point average between 2.75 and 3.25.
 Preference shall be given to a student who plans to either return to his/her family farm or be employed at a family farm upon graduation.
 Preference will be given to a student working at his/her family farm and juggling multiple responsibilities outside the classroom.
 Preference will be given to students from Hancock County, IL.
 Student should submit a one page document explaining why they have chosen a career in agriculture and how they are involved outside of the classroom.

Questions regarding eligibility? Contact:
Agriculture, College of Business & Technology
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please explain why you have chosen a career in agriculture and how you are involved outside of the classroom.
  2. Are you planning to either return to your family farm or be employed at a family farm upon graduation?
  3. Will you be working at your family farm and juggling multiple responsibilites outside the classroom?