The Dora Sharp Scholarship was established in 1981 by Helen Yeast to honor Ms. Dora Sharp, head of women’s physical education at Western from 1925 until she retired in 1943. Ms. Sharp came to Western because she had always been interested in helping women who were planning to teach physical education. At that time, the gymnasium was in Sherman Hall. Mrs. Yeast, a 1935 WIU graduate, has also established the Helen E Yeast Scholarship, the Mary McCutcheon Hofsess Scholarship (Mrs. Yeast’s sister), and the Helen E Yeast Annuity. The Dora Sharp Scholarship is offered to an outstanding student in physical education (know Kinesiology).

 Junior or Senior
 Major in Kinesiology
 Pursuing Physical Education Teacher Education Certification
 Must be female
 Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better
 Show promise as a teacher

Questions regarding eligibility? Contact:
College of Education and Human Services, Department of Health and Wellness Services