The Lois “Westy” Westendorf Memorial Scholarship was established in 2007 by Dr. Carolyn Collins in memory of Westy Westendorf who passed away in 2006. Westy taught in the Department of Physical Education for Women at WIU from 1967 to 1977. She received her master’s degree from the University of Northern Colorado. Westy taught a variety of courses and also served as Assistant Coach and Head Coach for Women’s Volleyball. According to Carolyn Collins, Westy was known throughout the department by both faculty and students as a special teacher who motivated and inspired others with her enthusiasm, sense of humor, and dedication. “She never failed to promote Western whenever she had the opportunity. In 1977, Westendorf left the University for a career with World Savings in California. In 1993, following a promotion to assistant vice president, she related to the corporate office in San Antonio, TX. Returning to her teaching background, she trained hundreds of employees in customer service and management skills.

 Rising Junior or Senior majoring in Kinesiology
 Active in department activities
 Demonstrates professional promise
 Minimum 3.25 GPA on WIU coursework

Questions regarding eligibility? Contact:
College of Education and Human Services, Department of Health and Wellness Services