The Court & Grace Johnston Scholarship

The Court and Grace Johnston Scholarship has been made available through the donations of Erwin and Ruth Thompson. The scholarship has been named in honor of Mrs. Thompson’s parents, farmers who survived the Great Depression.

Ruth graduated from Western in 1939, with a degree in education. Ruth earned her master’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis and spent 32 years teaching grade school and special education. Erwin served in the military from 1 942 to 1945, much of it in full-fledged combat. He earned the Combat lnfantry Badge, was awarded the Purple Heart, and received the Silver Star for “gallantry in action above the call of duty” for his service in World War ll. After the military, Erwin spenl331/z years at the Gas Department of Union Electric, serving as Union Steward during part of his tenure there.

Ruth and Erwin were married in 1942. “On the day we were married, Ruth asked me to promise her that our children would receive a college education,” said Erwin. “lt was the only promise she asked of me, and I gave her my word.” For Erwin, it was like a second set of wedding vows, and their family life was designed around the promise of education. Their son Gary Thompson and his wife Patty Thompson are WIU alumni. Their older daughter Julia Thompson became an experimental physicist. Their younger daughter Janet Riehl focused her career on community education. Erwin and Ruth went on to finance their grandchildren’s college education as well. Service and lifelong learning are the core values of Ruth and Erwin’s life. This scholarship honors their commitment to education.

. Undergraduate student in good academic standing
. Write an essay about the importance of education and what this scholarship would mean to them

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please write an essay about the importance of education and what this scholarship means to you.