This account was established in March of 2000 after Nicholas (Nick) Pano retired from WIU and a small amount of funds were directed to the Foundation in his honor. Later, Nick made a commitment to endow this scholarship at the $25,000 level. Nick is a retired Associate Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences at WIU. He worked at WIU from 1963 until his retirement in 2000. For most of his 37 years at WIU, Nick was a professor in the History Department with a specialization in Imperial and Soviet Russia, as well as Central and East Europe. Since his retirement, Nick has still been active at WIU, giving many presentations/guest lectures for various purposes and servicing as a Legislative Co-Chair on the Western Illinois University Annuitants Association. Nick’s wife Joan was a 1970 graduate of WIU, receiving an MS-Ed in Counseling and Guidance. She was also a WIU employee from WIU from 1990 until her retirement in 2002; in her final role at WIU, she served as a Publications Director for the College of Arts & Sciences.

 Major in one of the academic programs of the College of Arts and Sciences
 Completion of 75-90 credit hours of coursework with a minimum of 45 credit hours earned at WIU.
 A GPA of 3.5 or higher for coursework at WIU.
 A record of outstanding contributions to the success of the College of Arts and Sciences Student Council and/or a departmental student organization. Contributions to the success of university student organizations (including athletic teams) and university-wide activities will also be taken into account.

Questions regarding eligibility? Contact:
College of Arts and Sciences